written at Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hi all! this could be my last few posts
important stuffs
investiture is on the 11 aug
1. Rehearsals
if you have realised, we only had one combined rehearsal so far. therefore we are going to have rehearsals and preparation from thurs to sat. ATTENDANCE is COMPULSORY!!! pls cooperate leaders. the sec 4 are really preparing for the prelims like crazy need all of your support!
thurs: 2.30-6
meet vic
fri: 1.45-6
sat: timing to be confirmed
2. as for the band ppl, we will inform you more details for the invest and things like that.. cause i cant make the decisions.
3. all roles to be done latest by fri. show me all your work for ppl involved.
4. performance ic
all to include your performance songs and burn it in a disc. this must be done latest by fri!
i understand that fri is like a half day but for this once we shall use it wisely okay! if you do not know i heard many ppl sacrificing their leisure to just come for the rehearsal. sec 4 took this time off when some are having prelims while others preparing for prelims and O's. so if we can do it, all of you can. and ppl have to sacrificed their beauty sleep so.. MUST COME.
btw rest well these days.. study hard
written at Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hello leaders. Well, holiday is ending soon. I guess everyone had a great time enjoying themselves ya? When school reopen, it is time for everyone to buck up and get ready for exams. To the sec 4s, good luck for your prelims which is around the corner. To the sec 2s and 3s, good luck for your end of year exams.
Lastly, enjoy your last few days of holidays leaders! :D
written at Friday, June 4, 2010
Hello leaders!
Happy Birthday Kristopher Kenji Mizoguchi!
You will die the next time you see me! I am very very very angry with you. Hahaha!
I have a question for you guys. I know that you guys are super smart people. I AM SERIOUS! Your results really reflect it. Before I forget, please hand in you RESULT SLIP to me on the first day of TERM 3.
Here is the question:
Kasturi Markandran
written at Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hello leaders, how's your results? Good? Let me post something to revive the blog. :D
A motivation quote I would like to share with you guys.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Take some time and think about it. xD
written at Sunday, April 11, 2010

To those who took part in the Band SYF and
our Councillors
Wen Shan
And to the cheerleaders, please rest your throats and save your voice, especially those who are taking their Oral Examinations next week.
Oh, let's see who has the sexiest voice on Monday. See you.