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Alumni Camp 2008 Briefing
written at Friday, November 21, 2008
Alumni Camp 2008 Briefing
Camp packing list: 1st December for EXCOs i think
ALL LEADERS PLEASE MEET AT 25th November for Alumni Camp Briefing
Reporting time: 9am
Dismissal: Potential Leaders: before 12 Current Leaders before 1
Reporting time on the 3rd December: 8am Attire: PE shirt/House tee with school shorts
Break Camp: 1pm(without lunch)
Please bring 10 dollars on the 25th. that is before subsidy.
oh ya, please tell your EXCO whether you can make it on the 19th December for sec 1 registration or not. i am collating the results to give to Mdm Ezreen.
i am at cybrary now, listening to how old birds planning night walk. muahahahaha
AFTER ACTION REVIEW (AAR) ok for SC orientation, these are situations encountered:
- Not everyone is engaged - Games not interesting enough - Hiccups in the morning - Not everyone is clear about the programmes - Its not executed accurately according to plan - Benjamin was doing weird things while talking ( me bad :P)needs to improve on public speaking - Discipline not up to it( old birds )
anyone please add on if you find any more problems, put it on the tagbox or for EXCOs, edit the post with your signature beside it.
the GOOD points however:
- Adapted to change quickly. - Improvisation is good - Self voluntary punishment ( the running rounds thing); taking initiative - the Council showed never give up spirit during pizza hut delivery game - no one laughed at benjamin when lecture is in progress - Seniors show care and concern for juniors - Objectives of orientation are fufilled :D
same good points can add here, with signature for EXCOs
oh ya, i know its weird to change name from SL to SC, i am also reluctant to change because not used to it, but let's not get affected by what we are called, but instead be propelled to do even better yeah?
meanwhile i will also improve on my own self, which is, punctuality, public speaking, organisation skills, etc.
Hi people, really want to thank all of you who have been here for the SC orientation today. For the current leaders, Well done people :) its really heartening to see all of you guys trying to engage and even though during the lecture or i don't know when people sleep, you guys bothered to even listen to it. So, thank you :)
for the new incoming leaders, i hope after today you guys will really think about joining the council if you are serious about it. and today's attendance for potential leaders equals to 16. FYI.
Now to the relay system. This is how it will work .
Benjamin - Ian and Shamien
Wen Zhen - Darylene and Fazlindah
Winarti - Karen and Adeline
then EXCOs pass the message to members. lets' hope that this relay system will work.
And ALSO, i'll be frank here. If any of you guys thinks that what the EXCOs and pres. are doing is wrong, PLEASE tell us directly. Leadership is about bringing the truth as well. I admit that in some ways i, or we may be wrong at making decisions, but i am sure by receiving constructive crtitism, we will go for the better. we definitely don't allow gossips or backstabbing or i don't know what you call it in our council ok? i can testify that all of us, even the non-EXCOs have been working hard for the council right? :)
The RULES®ULATION will be done by discipline comm team in mid december under EXPECTATIONs section la, with Ian's team.
Ok i think right now we'll just wait for the random pics to appear. thanks :)
hey guys, after so long, I'm finally here again!! Well, toady, we had our very first SL Orientation for the incoming leaders hmmm, i had to say that things weren't going that smoothly as we planned BUT COME ON! you guys did enjoy like i did right? well, i apologise for not getting very much involved during the ice breakers as i was really busy doing the booklets etc ANYWAYS! WE ALL HAD FUN! Especially all the games!! WOO HOOOO!!!
For all the incoming leaders [who have actually seen the link to this blog at the last page of the booklet], i really hope that you guys had enjoyed yourself today, and of course, to have a better understanding of how our council function as a whole.
Oh yeah, after reading the reflections, I'm so glad that many of you guys find the quote, LEADERSHIP IS NOT A RIGHT. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY. meaningful :D
and yes, to me, leadership is never a right, it is always a responsibility. Without responsibility, it's hard to gain trust and respect from one another So, always be responsible, first of all, it helps, somehow and, it's one of our SL SPIRIT!!
Once again, i want to thank each and everyone for attending today's camp and, WELL DONE PEOPLE!!
oh yeah, one last thing. to me, leadership can be fun at any moment. and fun doesn't meant only the playing and stuff like that. you can have fun by doing the plannings, doing the proposals or even doing the 'labours', it all depends on how you think. Honestly, i do complains, but I'm currently trying to change my point of view about all these stuff we do, so as to enjoy this journey completely and not to leave any regrets in my life. So instead of complaining like what many of us are doing now, including me, why not we make a change, together, ya?
and yeah, i'm really stopping now :D
LONG LIVE THE COUNCIL!! It's me today :D -Darylene :D
The other time on the 14th November when we had our contact time meeting, we discussed about the significance of the tie.
Some did not turn up, some did.
But i would still like you guys who missed it to know that it is really a privilege to wear the tie.
And, what you've went through like interviews, orientations, probations and many other, just to be in the council, the tie reflects a lot that you've been through. And yeah, it shows that you've made it thus far, so feel proud when you ever wear it again.
To side track a little, a short holiday message from me! Enjoy your holidays yeah. But of course, don't stick your face to the computer screen all day long playing some online games.
Take time to think a little,
Take time to catch up with your friends and family,
Take time to do your homework,
Take time to rest well and catch up with your sleep,
Take time to do meaningful stuffs.
Live life to the fullest. :D
Oh and of course,
Take time to attend SC meetings yeah.
Yeah, i would like to affirm the gamemasters incharged on 14th November, donovan and eline, for the super fun games (it helped me kill lots of fats running around, thanks). Saw you two really put in the effort to entertain us. Well done.
Ngee Ann Reflections latest by 18th November ok? and EXCOs, PLEASE REMEMBER TO SMS OR CALL YOUR MEMBERS, DIE DIE MUST TRY. and let them even know about the existence of this blog so that they can check, thanks so much :D
ok some important dates yeah?
18th November: SC orientation 24th to 28th November: OBS 25th November: Alumni Camp briefing( according to ultimate deyian XD) 3rd to 5th December: Alumni Camp 2008 19th December: Sec 1 registration
And also, darylene and auntie company is organising OUTING WITH OLD BIRDS, and thats all i know regarding that
and just some info regarding the potential leaders, 20 turned up today out of 35 names, but no worries because some cannot make it. lets show them what we really are on the 18th man,
Ok today CT we left out some things, just to note:
1.Vision and Mission
and also, thank you wenzhen for holding the fort today in the meeting thank you eline and donavon for the games, must really say its great thank you zixin for all the relentless help you given us
and Amanda and Sean will organise the next games time, with Winarti as mentor(since she is the craziest among all)
and Darylene you don't mind adding the 2nd Council 2008 hierachy into Deyi SLC history right? EXCOS PLEASE DON'T BE ALARMED WHEN YOU SIGN IN TO BLOGGER! because due to the about us section on the right, i created a few more blogs to fill in the sections. if there is any problem with any sections just do the editing yeah? its for the future generations :)
HI GUYS...i am back.. hahas..today is the 14th NOV and we had our Student Council Contact Time... special thankz to ELINE & DONAVON for organising the games..it was well planned..thx so much guys..really enjoyed the day. Hope u all like the bun too:P i also would like to thank zi xin for the visit..:P. Glad that all of u agreed that our board is improving though the population is shrinking. and all of us also agreed that COMMUNICATION AND DISCIPLINE are our major problems, so i believe we can solve the probs together. :D ( Thx to those SCs who had come out with the ideas of the 'vomit' bombs)
To let u all know, we are no longer known as Student Leaders but we are Student Council and everybody, please bring $ 6.50 on 18th november for your new badge. please pass the money to your respective exco.
REMINDER: STudent Council 1st ORIENTATION is on the 18th NOV 2008 please report to school( meet at foyer) by 8 am. for current leaders, please wear your sl polo tee and NO fbt. bring sandals or slippers along,also bring extra tee, and extra cash for your lunch... bring your consent form too:D and pass to benjamin.( if u read this, please pass down the msg to your fellow leaders so we can solve our communication problems)
Leaders, hope you all will behave yourselves and be punctual...model the way!! :P
haha, tomorow is the 2nd council meeting! woohoo! remember to bring extra clothes, come in SL shirt and pe shorts/bermudas, at 9.30am at level one classrooms.
Alumni Camp 2008 is set to be on the 3rd to 5th December if i am not wrong, and hope you guys will have fun tomorow.
and oh ya, if you notice at the links, there is a Deyi SLC history site. i think its only right for us to give our seniors the deserved recognition. i haven't add 2nd Council 2008 yet, maybe i will do it soon. with non-excos in as well :)
1. potential SLs(1 and 2) please be informed that there will be a pre orientation briefing on the 14th november time:9.30am(same time as council meeting/CT) venue: level one classrooms attire: half U the purpose is to hand out the consent forms and to brief you guys on the orientation,which is on the 18th November. details will be given by then. PLEASE DON'T GO TO GENERAL OFFICE AND COLLECT THE FORM. SORRY FOR THE CHANGE IN INFORMATION
2. ALUMNI CAMP old birds want to know if majority is free on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of december 2008 to hold the annual Alumni camp. this information is for the current sec 2 and 3 leaders.
3. EXCOs thank you so much for the many commitments you put in yeah. i want to see every exco post at least once in your terms of office on this blog. i will be watching, haha.
Mr Martin Tan, Mr Howard Shaw, Mr Dylan Wilk, Mr Alex Fun, Mr Eguene Heng
Mr Nick Vujicic
The Motivational Speaker
He is an inpiration beyond words and encouragement to everyone who hears his speech.His inspiring speech touches thousands of hearts, i guess millions and millions of hearts....He has conquered the FEAR and OBSTACLES in his life..how amazing is that..He is the man who has no limbs yet he managed to bring a success on life by choosing to have the right approach. He has accomplished his Dreams. SO DONT LET CIRCUMTANCES DICTATE YOU!!...Do love yourself and appreciate what you are now.AND NEVER GIVE UP, HOLD ON.
You have listened to the 6 amazing speakers yesterday.. i hereby hoping that you're get inspired by them and learn how they have bring a success to their life... so why not YOU start to inspire others too....WHY NOT.....?
My first time posting in the blog!! Well, if you're wondering who i am, I'm Darylene:D and to differentiate, i shall use this colour whenever i post
just to share a few things I've learn from today's National Young Leaders Day 2008
FEAR = False evidences appearing real
- to find your path of purpose - what you do defines you - every failure is one step closer to success - put aside time, put time into your weaknesses
TRYING = Hope [Priceless]
- there is more to our life then it meets the eye - creating a miracle for others, just by giving them hope - we do not know what we can achieve until we've tried
OBSTACLES = Opportunities
- Hold on. Seek. And. You will find. - Make opportunities grow for each and everyone
Everyone! Lets TOAST for a CHANGE! Lets work on our fears and weaknesses together! LONG LIVE THE DEYI STUDENT LEADER COUNCIL!! SIGNING OFF~ :D [its not only you now XD]
Deyi Student Council is inagurated in 1990 by the 2nd principal of Deyi Secondary School, Mrs Choy Say Chin. It has since assisted the school in organising major school activities like Secondary 1 orientations, Arts Fiesta, Teachers' Day, Ultimate Deyian Challenge, etc. It has been through a long way.
Contact us, deyislc@gmail.com.