written at Tuesday, March 24, 2009
wow its already more than 100 posts! so cool man.
anyways, sorry for M.I.A ing from this blog for so long, been doing some other stuffs lately so you don't really see me. Just want to let you know the sequence of events for the investiture in case you don't know, so do take a look:
2:30pm- guests to be seated
2.35-2.40pm- emcee intro
2.45-2.50pm- Sec 2s,3s,4s & EXCO walk-in
2.50pm-3.00pm- Principal's Speech
3.05pm-3:15pm- GOH's Speech
3.20pm-3.25pm- President's Speech ( nonsense :p )
3.30pm-3.40pm- Passing of certificate, tie and tiepins ( congrats potential leaders :D)
3.45pm-3.50pm- Students' creed and Deyi School Song(please go and memorise the creed ar)
3.55pm-4.00pm- Video Showcase
4.05pm-4.25pm- Finale( performance by all 3 levels)
4.30pm-5.00pm- Refreshments Cum Sharing Session
5.05pm- 5.30pm- School Tour
This is the order of events up to now and its currently still accurate. Therefore DO be sure of the sequence so that you won't get lost.
Also, i HOPE you guys are already ok with walk-ins and performances and all alr k? I mean we only have about less than 2 weeks and Seniors you guys should know how important an investiture is, so we old birds to be would really like to see some commitment here alright?
The seniors and EXCOs have put in a lot of hard work and effort to make this invest. a success, so do encourage them whenever they can ( they are also very stressed you know, they have "O" lvls, even Adeline also stress until she went bonkers and cut mushroom hair XD). Jordon and Tammy did everything they can to ensure that the walk-in for everyone works out, and your VPs and darylene have been trying their best to oversee all the logistics so that hiccups will be minimised, so please thank them for their hard work ok?
Benjamin :)
written at Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hello people,this post concerns all upper secsOn 020409, we will be going down to the sec one classes during V.E lessonsto sort of erm.. teach them the 7 habits?So, for those upp. sec leaders who has no idea what's the 7 habits,please borrow the book from the others :DAnd ya, here's your classes:101 : Eline, Sean, Jocelyn, Adeline, Karen102: Donavon, Yoke huei, Alvin.L, Darylene, Shamien103: Michelle, Kim., Deena, Jordon, Pamela104: Amanda, Zhi bo, Kasturi, Hui yee, Wani105: Victoria, Khairi, Tammy, Brandon106: Jason, Doreen, Fazlinda, Ian107: Wanying, Kelvin, Alvin.P, ai wei yeap, thankQ~Ohmygosh!Adeline.
investiture again..:)
written at Thursday, March 19, 2009
27th march 2009, FRIDAY, HALL at 2.30pm
03rd April 2009, FRIDAY, HALL at 2.30 pm
*** Sec 4s, please attend your remedials first and report to hall at 3.30
*** All CCAs are excused except for performing arts
The design of sl tee is sent for printing already. the cost price is $13 per tee. Each leader only need to pay $10. please pay to Shamien. And potential leaders, please pay the money for your badge to Shamien as well.
For our investiture, we will be inviting 36 schools, CEC members, CCA leaders, 5 sec1 per class and each leaders are allowed to invited 2 of their friends. ( the 5 sec1 students and 2 of ur friends will be given tickets and they are to show their tickets to the receptionists. Also ask them to bring tie.)
The Theme for our investiture is no longer HIGHER but SET SAIL! and our GOH is MR. MARTIN from Halogen foundation.
The EMCEES are Donavon, and Kasturi with SITI as reserve! please do up the script by 24th MARCH 2009 and summit to either Benjamin, wen zhen or winarti. More detailed information will be passed down in future meeting. Also if need help with the script, please approach Tammy or Jordon. ( go look for them if not they will just pretend you guys dun need help:D )
Those who can come tml, please come to help out. thx
written at
Hello Leaders!Printing of Invitation cardsWe're gonna print the invitation cards tomorrow,20 march 2009, 11.30am @ some computer labThs is a little rush, sofor those you who can make it, please come
and inform me via message:83224658 by today. Thankyou!for those of you who can't come due to blahblah&blah reasons,(i did rather not hear them) too bad then. this is opened to all potential and non-potential leaders. Tahnkyou verymuch:Dohmygosh,Adeline!
written at Sunday, March 15, 2009
hihi, inventiture is around the corner....
DONAVON and KASTURI, you guys have been chosen as emcees for this year's investiture. so please try to get the script done by 27th MARCH. if need help, please approach tammy and jordon ( last year's emcees).
combined rehearsal will be on 27th MARCH ( IT people will help us too) please pass around the msg. try to attend kay? please report at 2.30 pm at hall,
there is meeting for sec 3 and 4 leaders for our next project on the 7 habits [for those who had been throught the envisioning excersise, bring along your 7 habits book] on wed 18th MARCH 2009 at 1pm.
edited by
lalas :Darylene
Hey guys!
written at Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hey guys!First of all, glad to see improvements in all of your performancesee, having rehearsals etc isn't hard at allit only matters on if you guys want to it or not, yea?anyways, the rest of our investiture information will be passed down as soon as possibleso meanwhile, just do whatever you can do and be patienthere are a few message i want to pass down:1. kharil, wan ying and zhibo, please send me the result of your research asapremember, the product must be related to our symbol, "arrow"2. mentors for innowits, please note that there will be a meeting with the teachers to discuss about your project on 13 march, together with your team members, the leader is to present their project to the teachers.3. anyone who is holding on to any photos of the "fund raising project" please send it to me asap.4. sec 2 and sec 3 ICs of Walk In, Wei Ren and Kasturi, please be reminded to do your job.for your information, you guys are walking in according to height, so yea, any questions or trouble, feel free to look for your seniors, us:Dwork hard and continue to strive for our common goal!lalas,Darylene:D
written at Sunday, March 1, 2009
Morning Duty for Month of MARCH'09
March Duties’09
All leaders on duties to report at their respective venues and I/Cs by 0720, except for leaders in charge of the P.A. system to report in the general office by 0715 to set-up.Duties begin on 2nd Mar & ends on 31th Mar.( For everyday except Wednesday to report to your duty place by 0815 )
I/Cs will be:• Taking attendance of leaders doing duties• Assessing work attitude (punctuality, attire, responsibility etc.) of leaders• Keeping track of problems faced
Flag Raising
P.A. System
Deena (I/C),Brenda
Late Coming
Ai Wei (I/C), Kasturi
School Gates
Patrolling (Canteen)
Yoke Huei (I/C),Siva
Patrolling (1st floor)
Amanda (I/C),Kairo
Patrolling (2nd floor)
Doreen(I/C) ,Shana
Patrolling (3rd floor)
Zhi Bo (I/C),Eline
Patrolling (4th floor)
Wan Ying(I/C),Kai Ling
Recess Duty
Month of MARCH: D
Stairs case nearer to the SL room.
- Brenda
- Kenric
- Kai Ling
- Leon
- Siva
2nd floor link way.
- Priya
Car Park.
- Wei Ren
- Ilin
- Shirely
- Arthur
Sorry for all sec2 cause u guys are the only lower sec sl so there will be recess duty for everyone.
but dont worry will change ur position here there (:
Upper Sec Duty
Month of MARCH: D
Stairs case nearer to the SL room.
- Benjamin
- Kasturi
- Kelvin
- Alvin Laiman
- Zhi Bo
2nd floor link way.
- Deena
- Dennis
Car Park.
- Hui Yee
- Yoke Huei
- Ian
- Victoria
See you guys tmr.. For those who haven pay your Feb fund please pay to me, jocelyn or Pamela.
Thanks.. & dont forget to bring ur 2$ tmr for month of March. thanks ;
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