written at Monday, August 31, 2009
Yo people~
First post, and probably the last…. I think…
Okay, firstly would like to say that…
Teacher’s Day celebration is over! So…. Scream!~
Okay. I know.
Had a rough patch at the debrief…
A little lecturing here and there… you know… we learn from mistakes… that’s where the experience comes from!
Quoted from Kelvin yap our good friend/councilor/ senior or Mrs yusoff
‘ Failure is not about falling down, but rather, it’s about staying down’
Okay, I’m not telling you all to stay down but… if you think you have been failures, let me tell ya, you’re definitely not.
-Remember, resilience (sometimes) is the key to success. But of course… don’t force things that you know won’t budge… sometimes… you just have to ‘re-route’.
Oh yeah. Please do not see Eline as a ‘devil’ or even any exco members. Yes I know sometimes you have really put in a lot of effort and the desired outcome is what it is… It isn’t really what it seems. (Okay I know this sounds a little confusing)
Let me give you a metaphor, your computer is spoilt… you keep checking your desktop but everything seems to be fine. However, the cause of the problem is actually the computer hardware itself. (And you are unaware of it!)
Ok… if you still don’t get it, what I’m trying to say is… though you have did a good job, there may be some cog up’s somewhere and your seniors (in this case most probably your excos’ and eline bla bla~) is doing the ‘behind the scenes’ work. So yeah… not saying that your work is sloppy but, please don’t blame them. In time to come you’ll understand
Wait, that actually saves me the bullcrap metaphor… shit… What a waste of time.
Lastly, after hearing what eline said this morning, I realized that I have not been helping Khari (shit… I forgot how to spell… sorry … [insert right spelling of name here]) ok.. Seriously.. See.. This is what I mean by ‘behind the scenes’. That dude didn’t even complain about the work! Top it off… he is fasting and (okay this might sound like an excuse but,) he had 8 tests in a week! Really… hats off to him.
Just want to apologize for not initiating help and yeah… so well… it’s a lesson learnt and yeah…
Don’t hate your seniors! (Except me, I’m bad) muwahhaa. Just don’t hate the other guys (they’re good~) haha
I shall stop my crapping now and… cya
Good work guys too
(thanks to Khairi for helping post this piece of junk)
written at Sunday, August 30, 2009
Feel it, breathe it, believe it and
You'll be walking on air
Go try, go fly, so high and
You'll be walking on air
-Walking On Air
Some verses of encouragement from a song in the CD that I've randomly bought through impulse today just because of a membership card that I later found out that I was underaged for it.
People, do not do something on impulse as you may have to kiss your $18 away.
Great job to everyone.
Whether you did something or nothing, it is still something for something and nothing is just as good as saying that you've done something.
And that something is something as it is still a form of contribution.
Your 'something' is greatly appreciated by the Student Coucil.
Keep up the good work!
written at
hey guys. time to really work now!
just a reminder.
time to meet:6.30am
venue: outside sl room
attire: school u bring along pe shirt(ushers and backstage crew dun have to)
ushers your court shoes:)
anyway good job guys for sat.
i mean all of you did contribute in one way or the other..
HOWEVER. there are some things that need to improve on.
guys, i hope you guys know when to get serious into work and when to play or chit chat.
it is unfair for those who work real hard and you are playing.
just a note there
written at
September duties
Report for duty at 7.20am. Those doing PA duty to report at 7.15am at the general office to set-up. (Except for wednesday where you report one hour later at 8.15am)
Duties begin 1th September to 30th September.
Flag Raising
Wen Shan
PA System
Yoke Huei
Kai Lin
School Gates
Zhi Bo (I/C)
Wei Ren
Patrolling ( Canteen)
Patrolling (1st floor)
Patorlling (2nd Floor)
Leon (I/C)
Patrolling (3rd Floor)
Wan Ying (I/C)
Patrolling (4th Floor)
Anyway, tomorrow is finally teacher's Day Celebration! The hard work will finally bear fruit for the school to see! We would not be able to get our job done if it wasn't for everyone. I would really like to thank Sean, Wanying, Donavon and the rest of the deco team for their behind the scene work. They almost broke their backs doing the banner. I would like to thank Michelle for sitting in aa chair for hours without moving while doing the invitations. Deena for the Quiz slides and wrapping of gifts. NOT TO FORGET Khairi for the proposal, he was practically re-writting the proposal everyday due to the constant changes. Amanda who tried her best to contribute and plan this despite falling sick, and lastly our P and Vp for holding the team together.
There are a lot more people to thank. But it will take me ages to thank them all. So good job everyone!
Hope that nothing screws up, do your homework, AND GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP.
Well done councillors!
written at Friday, August 28, 2009
Dear beloved councillors,
This is my very first post. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for helping with the preparations. Your efforts are much appreciated. Special thanks to SEAN and WANYING for making such a wonderful banner in such a short time. SPECIAL SPECIAL thanks to MICHELLE CHENG for writing on all the invitation cards! Special thanks to KHAIRI who was very silently doing his proposal late nights. Million thanks to him, all the other EXCOs and councillors who helped out. Last but not least, thanks to our MOST RESPECTED PRESIDENT, ELINE TAN, OIC, AMANDA and AIC, BRENDA.
Thank you people! Lets continue to strive for more achievements.
Please report tomorrow at 0750, outside SL room in your PURPLE SL t-shirt and school bottoms/pe shorts.
Smile Always,
Kasturi Markandran
written at Saturday, August 15, 2009
didnt really wanna post long posts.. but i still had to. prepare
up to you if you wanna read.
17 August, it will be officially known as
4th student council..
how do you feel? sad? happy? uncertain? hopeful?
i dunno. but all i know is for me regretful.
i regretted not doing my best for council when i was a younger leader
complain, give troubles, rebellion, attitude, joker.
you guys must be wondering..
WA the previous EXCO batch siao ah?
i think so too.
you guys might be wondering how could such person be president sia.
i also dunno.
but i gave my best ( not showing off )
to prove the seniors wrong.
i can.ppl might say being a councillor is a loser.
but to me. wrong.
we all learn. experience. we all grew.
i believe this council will be different
alright let's turn time back.
FAREWELL!haha really did enjoy the times there.
thank all seniors for coming down
though no games but to me it was great
i do not know abt the seniors.
but i like it.
PART 2 is coming soon. WAIT FOR IT!now back to time.
ben: yeah ben. i wont let me experience affect how much i can do. i wont promise you. but i say. you would see a different council next time.
wenzhen: you have always brought joy to the council. but i will nv forget how much i have went through and not to be always thinking of authority anymore. it means nth abt how much you can do.
winarti: i wont let my disability to affect others moving on. i will bring the council to greater heights.
darylene: yeah i will do what i say. similarly, council will move closer to the best. i will do my best. i will get my attitude right for everything yeah.
for other seniors: sorry not to miss you guys out. but SIMILARLY. it would be super duper ultra long. thank you for your contribution yeah!
ppl, dun forget what we have learn. these posts might just be another post to forget. but it will inspire ppl. share your story to others. i felt all seniors' posts were meaningful. each talking abt different areas.
WORK TIME!1. SEC 3 meet!
rmb to bring your blue notebook next tues. pls tell your respective EXCOs whether you can make it. EXCOs inform your members and report to me or kasturi by sun night:) sorry to rush you guys.
2. SEC 2 committees!
your committee list is out. will be announcing it next week. work hard. your respective excos will be contacting you soon as well.
3. 1st council meet! :D
we will be holding a council meet during holidays.
ALL leaders are to report to your EXCOs when you are free! :) by next fri possible? EXCO!!!!! sorry but report to me or kasturi again on details! so sorry. most probably there will be games, problem solving sessions and little workshops, meeting! really do hope everyone will be there because it will be a great time to bond!
4. Lost items.
if anyone of you had lost tie, tie pins or your badge, pls come and tell us. we are not unreasonable, not scary. so no need scared of us screaming and shouting... we are STILL angels.. i mean i believe ppl got their blur times and careless time.
amanda and brenda, pls contact khairi to see if he has jobs for you. your jobs are pretty important. get a copy of the proposal and the duty list. we will be meeting mdm normila next week. i need you guys to know the info and to be there.. next tues got the audition. i need you guys to be there too. as for the rest. we will tell you your jobs soon.. so take this time to relax before work is coming yeah?
6. SL fund
anyone hasnt pay? i own up! myself too. next week yeah?
morning duty will be out soon. so
monday morning report is important. attendance has to improve. the number of late comers has to decrease too yeah? do tell us why you are unable to come early.
i need 20 supporters for the cheer competition. 7 sep. during hols. mon tell me if you can make it or not.
just some words before i end this.
fellow leaders, it is NOT about how high you are or how high you will be, but it is about how far you wanna go and bring the council to be.
written at Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Why's everyone posting!?I WANNA POST TOO!
looking at previous posts, they've been so naggy (oops...)
So, i shall cut the crap. by a bit.
Gracias to everyone in the council!!! Yaayy xp
see, short and sweet. Cause if I was to list down everyone that i wanna thank..erm, you wouldn't like that.
Haahhaaha. & the farewell was GREAT!!:D Thankyou!!
Aw.. you guys are So cute! I like my Crazy Award XD(i still like your fruit punch, though it had no taste xp)
I almost fell apart during this year's Investiture. Man, that banner's a killer! Arggghh.
& I even spent my 16th birthday finishing up that **darn banner. ***
the Best part was, Someone just Had to change the theme, like so last minute. ***
& i'm telling you guys, that banner, is mine & HuiYee's blood and sweat and everything.
so i'm already very nice to say that you guys can only dump that banner(which is already faLLING apart)
when you guys get your own banner.
& if you wanna complain about our council shirt, do Shutup.
I'm proud to say that i've completed this investiture WITHOUT participating in any full rehearsal.
& you'll Never know how good I felt when i saw that banner up on the stage.
To you, i'm the happy-go-lucky.
One Life. Live Once. Make the Best out of it. Enjoy it to the fullest.
I'm optimistic to a point of annoying. but i live the way i like.
i don't sulk at a corner when you disagree, I choose to smile at you, loser.
Balancing the council, studies and personal life ain't a easy thing,
we've all learnt to make sacrifices, but its all worth it in the end.
In life there'll be many Ups and Downs. Duh, who doesn't know?
But I wanna say to Life, Bring it on.
What would I be like now, if I hadn't joined the council?
I wouldn't get the chance to eat free refreshments and raise those flags,
I wouldn't have known you guys. I would not have learnt that there's better things to do other then open up my textbook! xp
& i would never ever get to laugh into the phone in the middle of anouncement-making XD (shhh...)
So it's been a fullfilling three years. I've darn right enjoyed it and i have no regrets!
to my dear juniors: show us all you've got!
Oh, i've been wanting to say this for a very long time!!
( SO LONG , S**KERS! ahHAAAAhaaha XD)
Adeline Fong.
Deyi Student Council
Publicity Exco'08-'09
I AM BACK!!!!!!
written at Monday, August 10, 2009
hello leaders...Winarti here...ur ex-vp..sorry, now den post as i was ( and still am) ultra busy with some personal stuffs...
Firstly, would like to thank all leaders who have put in their very best efforts in organising the farewell.i cried when i hugged mdm ezreen!!! cant believe it...hey..wen shan, ilin, and yoke huei..hahahs...next time dun choose the same table with me coz i will complain a lot and will give u guys as many jobs to as possible..learnt ur lessons now???? hahahahs.. anyway, thx so much for providing an excellent service on 070809...TO ALL LEADERS in SC, DO bring this council to greater heights...please respect and support your preseidents as it is NOT EASY to be in that position.
Secondly, would like to thank all the sec 4s for all their contributions to this council. Esp DARYLENE as she was the one who always give me support. Hey dar...i still remember when we were in sec 2, you were super committed to this council and i was so slack...i remember when u informed me about meetings for indianzaar in 2007...i always said " OKAY I WILL COME"..hahahs turned out i DID NOT..hahas..guess u must had been super annoyed..i am so sorry for that. i only come to realized how this council meant to me when i was in sec 3. I would also like to thank benjamin and wen zhen for all their supports as fellow presidents...Ben, sorry of i always scream at you to wake u up...hahahs and wen zhen, sorry if u always feel left out.....Tamz and jordon for your supports and understanding...MOMO...( ai wei) GREAT CAPTAIN!!! will come back next year to tracck..:P. Shamien, for doing a great job in admin, Faz, for your quiet supports...hehehs...Ian, though always scream at you...you are a great exco...buy bigger book next time..:P Karen, cane at in class already!! yeahh..happy?? adel, hui yee and dennis..excellent banner design.....Thank you so much for your commitments to this council, i noe through out these 3 years of journey it was not easy especially this year as we have to study and tackle all our commitments at the same time. would especially thank all the excos as well for all your time in organising events and meetings...i wont be able to survive without you guys..gonna miss all time spent with you guys...
Thirdly, would love to thank the teachers esp MDM EZREEN for her help, encouragements, motivations and guidance esp when i stepped up as VP. not forgetting MR HIEW..though he is not that involve in SC, i still admire him as a teacher..
next, would like to thank all the old birds...Rochelle,Jacklyn, chidam, zi xin, sean chew, ruby tan, anabel, michelle....these are the people that really did something that really make me admire them....learnt a lot from them...
next, to all SEC 3 leaders..please motivate and give encouragements to one another as you guys gonna have a super tough year ahead...next year u guys gonna sit for Os and need to handle all these..esp leaders like sean..both exco of SC and president of drama, kasturi as NCO of band and VP for SC, kenji as both exco of SC and drama...so, whatever your commitments are, do not neglect your studies as even though you guys have achieved so much on for ur CCAs, all those would mean nothing if u fail your Os...school or even mrs chua cant do anything except to provide u guys with a space for you to retain...obviously we dont want that to happen...to ELINE AND KASTURI..please work with each other and avoid arguments...be strong too face all challenges...to kenji, IF U QUIT or do something funny/stupid or even if i hear complain about you.... you will be my MAID for a month!!! hahahs...to victoria...hey...be more loud..show them what u can do...for amanda..you are certainly a leader whom i respect most...keep it up.. deena..DM!!! must be strict..and being a DM it will not be an easy life for u as people will start to hate you...so just do what is right..dun care about what they do and think...kay?? to SEAN...hey!!! i agreed to darylene that all the excos see the potential in you kay?? u just need to improve on your attitude...and in wearing of ur attire..dun give deena a hard time if not she will eat u up ALIVE!! hahahs...yoke huei...continue smiling and bring joy to the people around you...doreen, sing more!!! hahas...Kelvin...cheer up..and jia your for ur studies,,u did a great job as a secretary... for the rest of the sec 3 whon i did not mention your names, is not coz i forget but,,,coz if i say one by one.,.it will be super long...
Thx sec 3 for the award...yeah!! " most cunning " huh??am sure u guys gonna miss all my coffee bomb, vomit bomb and all disgusting games...if want more ideas, can come approach me...:P before i move on, would like to remind all the sec 3 to see the potential in sec 2 leaders...please do not just treat them as if they are new leaders...guide them in doing projects...like farewell party, i realized you guys din really involve the sec 2s in planning ( u guys just told them whta they were supposed to do..do u know if u guys involve them, they can give u more brilliant ideas??), i mean they can provide u guys with helping hands and ease your burdens...so dun wish to see that happen again....have more bonding with them dun just chat with fellow sec 3 leaders...if u guys dun teach and guide them...when u hand over next year,this council will collapse as they wont know what and how to do....EXCOS,please take note of this!!! i mean it!!!
TO my dearest sec 2 leaders....please respect your beloved seniors...dont give them a hard time..enjoy being in this council esp when u are in sec2 ...when u are in sec 3, life will be harder as a leader as there will be more demands...you guys no longer trainee leaders...so show deyians who u really are...to Kairo...thx for sharing..to wei ren, hey man,,you really never fail to impress me lerh...keep it up..to brenda..hey..thx for your card..really touched by it...to arthur, hey my first impression of you was really bad, but u proved to me to are a capable leader..to all sec 2 leaders ( again, is not i forget, but to save time ) really enjoyed having u guys in this council. thx...btw thanks for your time for meeting me that day...hope my advice to u will be put into action. and dun forget to record down all ur contributions and activities you have participated in for this school, council, and ur cca...
LASTLY...i would like to apologise to all of you if i did not meet the expectation as a VP and would like to apologise if i very strict at times and scold u people....anyway, nobody is perfect...but as VP, this journey had made me learnt a lot and made me changed to become a better person, and leader. enjoy all the workshops given by the teachers as it really helps to groom u more as a leaders so dun complain1!!...( though i did :P)...my super last advice to you...
AS A LEADER, DO WHAT IS RIGHT NOT WHAT IS POPULAR. YOU CAN NEVER EVER PLEASE EVERYBODY AT THE SAME TIME!!...so there are reasons behind all my scoldings kay??.... anyways, the sec 4 leaders had completed their games in this council...NOW IS YOUR TURN!!! influence more deyians to join this council....
i am gonna miss you guys....:P
all the best too!!!! esp for the sec 4 who are currently sitting for prelims and going to sit for O levels...
study hard!!!
( sorry if any wrong spelling..lazy to check)
date of changing command 17/08/2009;monday
Once a Leader, Always a Leader
written at Saturday, August 8, 2009
ahhh. Ben, you posted first..
anyways, i bet you guys should be able to guess the content that you're gonna be reading
here goes.
(It's gonna be very long, be prepared)
i remembered the day, when i first stepped into deyi
the first thing that made me feel welcome was the big warm smiles on the councilors and PSL's face
their friendliness as they ushered me and my mum up
and ofcourse, how smart they looked with their ties and badges
the moment, i've made a decision, or should i say, an aim
"I want to be one of them"
One year passed, and, i did it, i was nominated by my form teacher, to be a Student Leader
(since the Councilor and PSL merged)
okay, fine, me and karen promoted ourselves to our form teacher,
but, we did get a form from her, so, we're called the nominated one
so, i went through my second camp in deyi,
A Leadership Camp, 'I m Possible' Camp in 2006 December.
That camp simply rawks, it was a great exposure in leadership, as we went through the talks, games, plannings, outings, everything.
If i hadn't remember wrongly, these people are my group mates
Sean, Angelina, Jolene, Xian Da, Nicole, and Jocelyn
Our group name was, "Ki Siao Kia"
yep, "ki siao kia'
and here goes our group cheer! it's funny
ki siao ki siao ki siao kia
we are deyi ki siao kia
day and night we go ki siao
24/7 ki siao kia
and with sean's great leadership, as well as our group's effort
we won a couple of awards too:D
Orientation came, and i was the class leader of class 101
together with jacklyn, xian da, jian feng and ai wei
it was tedious, yet, wonderful, nice, and WOW
the part that made really touched was when some of them told me that they like me the best
at that point of time, i was really glad that i took up leadership
the sense of satisfaction when you see that they enjoyed themselves, nothing can beat that.
next came my first investiture, 02 April 2007
i'm officially a Student Leader,
i made it:D
then, the indianzaar carnival with aili,
there were much conflict but, it was a success
it aint easy to be the OIC for the student council,
to give instructions to the seniors,
to plan and everything, it was tough
but i made it, thanks to all the people who supported me throughout
especially jocelyn
the next thing i realize was the farewell party for the seniors
a year past and their leaving
i dint cry that day, i wasnt that close to them
but i'll never forget that they sang birthday song for me twice
one in i-space, one opp school
i even get to cut the cake that humphrey baked together with nurul
that was, really nice
okay, think i'm getting too naggy, if i continued writing down all my experiences, you'll take hours to read them
so, i'll skip, do tell me if you're interested, hahha
being in a student council aint easy
you have to face the peer pressure from your friends
you have to bear the responsibilities and follow the rules and regulations
you have meet the extra expectations from he teachers
you have to sacrifice lots of your free time for the council
to fulfill all these
it aint easy, we all know, we have been through
but whether you guys can put it through like we did
depends on your will and mind
whether you have the strong mind to overcome all these
whether you are willing to be dedicated to the council
whether you have passion for leadership
whether you are enjoy leadership
see? it all depends on yourself.
let me tell you a tip
if you're at the edge of breaking down and you feel like quitting,
dont quit, yet
think of the very first reason that made you take up leadership
think of the wonderful moments you spend with the council
think of all the fun you had
think of the satisfactions you'll receive after a successful event
ofcourse, you can always look for your seniors for advices
find your inspirations before you even think of quitting
that doesnt shows that you're free
that shows how weak your mind is
be persistent or stubborn at times
you'll never realize how the outcome will surprise you
lastly, i would like to thank these few people...
Zi Xin and Chan Hong (although they already left)
for being my source of inspirations, who taught me great stuff, who gives me opportunities and inspirations, who believes in me, who never ever gives up on me. Thank you. Thank you Zi Xin, for letting me know how great leadership can be, thank you for pulling me through with all your encouragements. Thank you Chan Hong, for teaching me so much, although you dont show it, but i know, you have always been supporting me together with zixin. Though i've let both of you down, but, your teachings will always be with me, i've pull through, thank you.
for always being there, supporting me
attends to all my crap, but never leaves me
stopping all my crap, and stayed with me
thank you.
i'll remember all the fun we had together, all the times in the council room, doing stupid things, hhaha.
all the sec4 leaders who had stayed, and supporting the council
the council wouldn't survived till now without you guys.
i'll remember all the times and fun we had together
all the best for OUR examinations!
as for the sec3 and 2s,
i believe that you guys will pull through and bring the council to greater heights
dont give up just yet.
remember what you promised me,
i really see your passion towards leadership, but at times, you must understand the responsibilities you bear and you must know when is the time to be serious and the time to have fun. work hard. and seriously, i really think you saw a ghost during your sec1 registration, cause i'm really not there.
my great little junior who is always so polite, humble and quiet
dont look down on yourself, have confidence because we all know that you can do it
lead the council with your experiences, you need to express yourself more.
though i've only know you for a few months, i really see great potential in you and i really believe that you'll be able to completely take over me.
you've work hard, this is your reward. continue to strive for what you said during the interview, i believe you'll be able to achieve it. all the best! and hey, i know i've said this to you before but, i really liked the way you take photos! like so professional!
my cheerful little junior! dont surrender to all the obstacles you face, you must stay strong and overcome them. believe in yourself. oh yar,i think you should sleep more, cause you always looked so tired..
always so quiet but always there to lend a helping hand to your seniors
i remembered you said you're actually not willing to be in the council during alumni camp 2007, but i believe you're have totally changed your mind yea? you see, leadership is just attractive isnt it? you need to be more outspoken, infront of your juniors, dont restrict yourself, just be who you are, i know what crazy and fun you can be:D and too bad, i cant count how many plates you eat..nevermind, i'll send a spy, heheh.
for your information, none of the excos thinks you're not capable, we all see the potential in you, but sometimes, we do feel disappointed with your attitude. Dont give up on leadership yet, think, you have the skills, its just depends on whether you want to use it. AND, this is how my name is spelt! D A R Y L E N E!!
'AH BUSH' got my imaginary punches yet? hahha, again you're new to the council, but i'm really amazed with your passion towards the council and really admire the way you are able to liven up the atmosphere. i believe that you'll be able to make the whole council bond! lastly, good luck in collecting the funds:D
i really appreciate the effort you put in for the council, and i really hope that this will continues, you dont have to be afraid to take initiative, or refrain from taking them, compromise with the other, after all you guys have to work together for the next year. thank you for your invitations for outings etc, that made me really glad(:
stop laughing! lol, next time when i see you again, dont try to laugh behind my back ar..and, me and esther are not twins!! you've really been dedicated to the council, and i hope it continues. You have really made lots of improvements as the years past, and thats really rewarding, still remember when i took your class during orientation, you dint even say a single word to me man...aiyo..ah well, work hard, and dont look down on yourself!!
woots! you can sing well! we should go karaoke again someday(: continue to be so enthusiastic! must help out with your fellow peers wor, you have the capabilities, dont you want to use them? not forgetting to bond and guide your juniors too!
how dare you hit my head with the balloon so many times yesterday! raaaaarrr. LOL. you have lots of interesting ideas, must remember to use them and help your fellow sec3s, especially the excos, okay? you're really nice and fun to be with, good luck for catching low socks and short skirts and etc!
Yoke Huei!
ahhhhh...bush. ohno, you kissed the floor!! lol, must be careful when you're walking wor, though at times i'll knock into telephone booths or pillars too..whoops. hahahs. must continue to be cheerful and optimistic, hang on and help one another! ahh, you and victoria can treat wounds when anyone is hurt also! LOL st.john de. hmm. you can treat your on wound when you fall down too! not bad not bad! LOL, not trying to curse you... XP
wait, i dint spell wrongly right? hahahhah. okay, i really dont know what to say to you... oh! dont be so lame, and you should smile more, looks nicer:D and must be careful dont break your arm again, also, must help sean wor, exco not easy..and, its really nice of you to send the messages for all the sec4s yesterday, thanks alot:D
Wan Ying, Kim, shana and Zhi Bo!
you guys must really speak up more, if not i wont even realize that you're there!! dont feel restricted, even though you guys may be new, but after getting use to the functions, i believe that you guys can be as well as the others, have confidence!!
did i miss out anyone?
nope, okay:D
remember what i said, and all the best people!
Once a Leader, Always a Leader.
also, leadership is not a right, its a responsibility.
be responsible with everything you do!
last but not least..
the farewell was a success, but too bad, you guys dint make me cry
i was expecting to cry, i dint.
not because of the fish and co but, i dont have the urge to cry
i was indeed touched but, nahh.
probably the sec3s will know why next year
i cant imagine what would it be like if the sec4s cried when the sec3 are already crying..
yes i've cried a lot last year but i've survived, dint i?
so, believe in yourselves and i believe in you all!
date of changing command: 17/8/2009(i help you bold it la. XP)
Once a Leader, Always a Leader
written at Friday, August 7, 2009
SO... i guess this is it. The last post by 2009 EXCOs in the SLC blog.
Like i said the other time, time flies man.
Now that we already more or less left the council, it really calls for us old birds to think about the time when we first entered council.
As for me, i am together with Eline's batch, so i can identify a lot with the sec 3s' experiences. However, most of the old birds entered the council in December 2006. Back then, i was in 108/208 and Wenzhen was one of the dudettes who entered council. I always wondered why she can get into council and i cannot( aiya thanks to the mr. derrick tan luh) and i wanted to be a part of it because it was like so fun and happening and the hip people are all there. Basically, i wanted to join council for the wrong reasons.
And then somehow in sec 2, my form teacher, mdm chen bi jun gave me a chance to enter the council, together with Alvin Laiman and Wani. However she was comtemplating because i was quite naughty and preoccupied with other things on my mind.
She gave me a chance anyway.
I bet that she had a lot on her mind the day i stepped up as President.
And now i am passing on to the crazy fellow from my batch. LOL
really lots to say but hard to describe man.
I spent 1 whole year with a trainee leader's batch and then rose up to this position. Many people have doubts(i wonder if they still do). But at least one thing i can say; I survived my term.
Throughout this journey i keep wanting to give up, the pressure, the workload, together with SYF and my studies. I felt like breaking down. But i am glad i survived to see this day. I really do. The tears and the sweat and everything i've been through here, is not wasted.
I may not be the best President, but as long as i've done my best and never gave up, i have already done my part.
And so for the new President, i hope you will take it this way as well. No matter what happens, don't give up. This includes all the EXCOs and sec 3s. Never ever give up. Once a leader, always a leader.
And even now i still want to thank my VPs and EXCOs. Since i already mentioned Winarti and Wenzhen just now, i shall talk about my team of EXCOs and members.
Darylene is a really commited leader and is probably the most experienced councillor in the board. I think i wouldn't have survived this without her. And Adeline really contributed with her team of art people. That is how we survived invest. Ian Xu is more of a reasoning person than a guy who only know how to shout,but still got room for improvement la hahas. Shamien really done a good job with the admin. She really is brilliant. Fazlindah is the person quietly supporting Darylene's heavy workload as well, so a round of applause hahas. Karen will be the super enthu and super high exco and always go crazy and kee xiao one.
Jordon tammy Alvinphua AlvinLaiman Pamela Jocelyn Syazwani Brandon Aiwei and all the rest, i thank you guys for your commitment. We really worked together regardless of position. You guys are the best.
Even as i type this, i am reminded of all the "same kind of posts" that the seniors posted in 2007(on the verge of tears man....) and next year, you guys will know what i mean. haha
And well. My last post in Deyi SLC. from today onwards, you will never see my name here. So let me make it big. (oh well excos you all can post if you want)
4th council and beyond, go build a
date of changing command: 17/8/2009