written at Saturday, February 20, 2010
Happy New Year people! How was the laoyusheng?? Time for pictures! Extra entertainment!
written at Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I know, I know, you all miss me for not blogging for such a long time. Well here I am.
Anyway, the reson why I'm posting is that I'm bored, and I came across these wonderful articles which may help you with your sleep, since you treasure sleep more now that you're older. And they're all from MSN News.
The first article is about
7 Bedtime Habits that Ruin Your Sleep.
5 Suprising Signs that You're Sleep Deprived.
Yeah, just read up to find more, and I might be posting more about these stuff. Haha. Thank me, your new health expert.
written at Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sean from "Mumbai da, India!!!!!!" Hahaha!
Happy Chinese New Year, Councillors!
Kasturi Markandran
written at Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hello councillors, Please remember to bring your particular's form on Monday!!! Morning reporting as usual. Thank you.
Performance Item
written at Friday, February 5, 2010
Hello Councillors!
Please meet up with your respective level members to come up with the performance items for investiture. Please get things started now. Do take care too!
Kasturi Markandran