Please do not panic if you do not see the sidebars. Hang on, stay cool.
Dearest Councillors,
The areas that were worked on for INNowits Project 2009 are:
· Environment
· Discipline
· Conservation of Energy
· Teaching and Learning
· Healthy Lifestyle
· Student Well-being
· e-Twinning with other countries
The INNowits Protocal:
(Re) Perceive à Ideateà Evaluate à Prototype à Access (and back to (Re) Percieve again)
**So it is like a cycle.
(Re) Perceive is to take photos, videos or take down notes to plan your project well. Councillors please be in good terms with your group members. Only then, you can make your project a success.
To ideate, is to brainstorm some ideas AS A GROUP. Then, we have to sieve out the best few ideas. In order to do that, we have to use the Idea Evaluation Grid to evaluate it. I will be showing you guys the Idea Evaluation Grid later on.
Prototype is to try out the idea to see if it works. For example, you can try out your idea on one person or at a specific location first. Then, you can carry out surveys to find out how others’ feel about your idea and to look into ways to improve your idea and to see how effective your ideas are too.
Then, you have to access the results. If it is feasible, then you can implement it in a larger scale. If it is not, then we have to go back to (Re)-perceive again.
1. Term 1 Week 7 --> Training
2. Term 1 Week 8 --> Submission of Project Proposal
3. Term 2: Project updates--> Stage 1,2,3 (June Holidays)
4. Term 3: Project Updates --> Stage 4 (Submission of Project Report)
5. Term 4--> Judging of Student Project
Good luck with your projects, Councillors! Please work as a TEAM.
Together, Everyone, Achieve, More!
Take care,
Kasturi Markandran
High | Discover | Do |
Low | Discard | Depends |
Low | High |